At Harwood Park we want to inspire our children to become the players, singers and composers of tomorrow by fostering a love and passion for Music which they can take with them and build on in their future stages of education and throughout the rest of their lives. We want children to leave Harwood Park with a basic understanding of musical knowledge, to know and understand the dimensions of music and be able to use musical vocabulary to talk about them. We want children to learn and remember the skills needed to listen, evaluate, play, sing, create and perform music with confidence. We want children to experience enjoyment of Music through listening to a wide range of musical styles and genres, exploring a range of instruments, learning to play and sing, performing in front of audiences and being inspired watching live performances by professional musicians.
Music begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage through Expressive Arts and Design as set out in Development Matters. We follow the Charanga Musical School scheme from Reception through to Year 6. Through inclusive, fun and interactive lessons, children develop the musical skills of listening and appraising, rhythm, singing, playing instruments, composing, improvising and performing. Children in Year 4 take part in whole class cornet lessons through Rochdale Music Service.