At Harwood Park our scheme of learning allows children to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world through the disciplines of science.
In EYFS pupils are introduced to scientific concepts through Understanding The World as set out in Development Matters. Pupils are encouraged to notice, explore and observe changes in the natural world and talk about what they see, hear and feel.
In Key Stage 1 pupils will begin to develop scientific methods, processes and skills by asking simple questions, performing simple tests, identifying and classifying and using these observations and ideas to answer questions. They will gather and record data to help them answer questions.
Children develop these skills further in Key Stage 2 by asking relevant questions and setting up scientific enquiries, comparative and fair tests. They will begin to take measurements when making observations using a range of equipment. They will expand their methods of presenting data, identifying and classifying to answer questions. They will record their findings in various ways and use results to make conclusions and identify differences and similarities. They will begin to use scientific evidence to answer questions and support ideas.
In EYFS pupils will be introduced to the concepts of forces, exploring materials, observing seasonal changes, noticing changing states in the natural world, growing and life cycles.
Throughout key stage 1 pupils will learn about animals, including humans, living things and their habitats, plants, everyday materials and their uses and seasonal changes.
Throughout lower key stage 2 pupils will continue to widen their knowledge of animals including humans, plants, living things and their habitats while being introduced to light, sound, rocks, electricity, forces and magnets and states of matter. They will explore the properties and changes of materials and earth and space. They will continue to learn about forces, light and electricity while beginning to develop an understanding of evolution and inheritance.