Safeguarding Notice

Harwood Park Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of any of our pupils please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Davies or Miss Webb.

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Harwood Park Primary School

Aspire To Succeed

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Understanding and using pronouns: ‘his’ and ‘her’

Why is this important?
‘His’ and ‘her’ are used to signal that something belongs or relates to a man/lady, boy/girl (or male/female animal) previously identified in a sentence (e.g. the boy wears ‘his’ shoes, the girl likes ‘her’ new bike).

What to do

  • Find a catalogue or magazine and cut out a picture of a boy and girl – there are also many commercial products available.
  • Cut out lots of pictures of clothes and toys. Try to find similar items (e.g. a girl’s coat and a boy’s coat; a bike for the girl and one for the boy).
  • Divide the clothes and toys between the boy and the girl. Ask the child to find:

‘His hat.’
‘Her shoes.’
‘Her bike.’

  • If the child chooses the wrong picture: Praise the child: ‘Good try.’ Repeat the question emphasising the pronoun: ‘You’ve found the girl’s bike,that’s her bike; can you find his bike?’
  • If there is no spontaneous correction, guide the child’s hand to the right picturerepeating the pronoun: ‘This is the boy’s bike, it’s his bike.’
  • When the child is consistently choosing the right person/picture, reverse the roles so that the child is asking you to find ‘his coat’, etc.