Safeguarding Notice

Harwood Park Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of any of our pupils please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads: Ms McArthur or Mrs Davies.

For more information please see the safeguarding section of our website under Key Information > Safeguarding.

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Harwood Park Primary School

Aspire To Succeed

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At Harwood Park the principle aim of RE is to explore big questions about life, to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so pupils can make sense of religion, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. All children need to acquire core knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of the religions and worldviews which not only shape their history and culture but which guide their own development. The modern world needs young people who are sufficiently confident in their own beliefs and values that they can respect the religious and cultural differences of others, and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society.


The curriculum starts in  EYFS where children will be introduced to the key concepts of religion in Nursery and Reception through the Understanding the World curriculum as set out in Development Matters. Pupils will encounter religions and worldviews through special people, books, times, places and objects. They should listen and talk about stories. Children can be introduced to subject specific words and use all their sense to explore beliefs, practices and forms of expression.

Throughout KS1 and KS2, children will develop and extend their knowledge of world religions in relation to the wider world. They will then have the ability to develop and raise their own questions surrounding a variety of religions and beliefs. This allows children to cultivate a tolerant and respectful attitude to the variety of cultures in our local community.


RE in Harwood Park supports the teachings of our School Core Values: Respect, perseverance, Kindness and Co-operation.
