Safeguarding Notice

Harwood Park Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of any of our pupils please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Davies or Miss Webb.

For more information please see the safeguarding section of our website under Key Information > Safeguarding.

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Harwood Park Primary School

Aspire To Succeed

Get in touch

Class 6 (Y2)

Click here to go to Class 6's blog where you can find the most up to date information about what we have been up to in class!


If you need any help with learning, please don't hesitate to contact me at 


Your teachers are Mrs Macey and Mrs Lomax.

Your Teaching Assistant is Mrs Menzies.


Here you will find some key information about our class and a link to the class blog where you will find weekly updates on what we have been up to.


Attendance Matters - Each week we are expected to have a whole class attendance of over 95%.

Your attendance is very important! You must be at school every day at 8.40 am. Our first lesson begins just after 8.45 am so you need to be here, ready for a fun-filled day of learning!

Timetable: We begin each morning with reading - this is the time your child will change their home reading book if necessary. Then we have Power Maths, an assembly and English lessons before lunchtime.

In the afternoons, we study the foundation subjects such as Art, Science, History, Geography, Music etc.

We have a class story every day.


Reading: As well as reading regularly at school, children are expected to read as often as possible at home too. This might not always be your reading book, but reading diaries can still be signed so children can move up the Reading Challenge! This is especially important in Year 2 to support their progress through KS1. Children should have their book in school every day.


Thursday will be our library day, every child will have the opportunity to visit the school library and loan a book for a week. This book can be used for story time at home and is not linked to the child's reading ability and scheme. Please ensure library books are returned every Thursday so that your child can choose a new story; they will only be able to loan one book at a time.

It's also important to make time to share stories together as this has been shown to increase your child's wellbeing and academic success. Have a look at the 50 Recommended Reads for Year 2 if you're stuck for ideas on what to read at home. CLICK HERE for the full list of books.




Spellings: Children will be given spellings to learn every week. It is important to practise them regularly so they are ready for their spelling test on a Friday. Spellings for the week are given every Friday for the following Friday.  


Homework: Homework will be set each Friday and will be expected to be completed and back into school by the following Wednesday. Children will have 2 homework booklets where a page from each booklet will be set to complete. The homework will match the learning that we are doing in class. There will be a Math booklet and a SPAG booklet.


Times Table Rockstars: In Year 2, all children have access to Times Table Rockstars.

Login details will be stuck on the inside of their reading records. Please log on and practise as much as you can. Quick recall of times table facts is important when working mathematically.


PE:  We have two PE lessons per week on Tuesday and Friday. Our PE kit is a white PE top, tracksuit bottoms (no leggings please), shorts, trainers, socks and a waterproof jacket/coat.

What are we learning?

Autumn Term

English: Traction Man by Mini Grey

Math: Numbers to 100, Addition and Subtraction, Money, Multiplication and Division

Computing: Coding and Online Safety

History: The Great Fire of London

Geography: Arctic, London and Queen’s Park

Science:  Exploring Everyday Materials

RE: Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?

Wondering what to read?

Have a look at the top 50 reads recommended for Year 2. How many can you read this year?

Useful information and links:
